The Egyptian Lateral Raise: A Great Exercise for Shoulder Health

The Egyptian lateral raise is a great way to work the muscles in your shoulders and upper back. This move targets the muscles in the middle of your back, as well as the front and rear deltoids. The Egyptian lateral raise can be done with dumbbells, barbells, or cables.

How to do the Egyptian lateral raise?

First, you’ll need to find some weight plates or dumbells or use the cables at the gym. The Egyptian lateral raise is a great exercise for the upper body. It targets the chest, shoulders and triceps. To do it, you’ll position the weight plate at your sides, and then, extend your arms straight out to the sides, and slowly raise the weight plate up to your shoulder. Keep your core engaged, and slowly lower the weight back to the bench. You can also use dumbbells or cables like in the following video. Repeat, repeat and repeat.

Watch this video on how to do the Egyptian lateral raise

The benefits of the Egyptian lateral raise

When it comes to working the deltoid muscles – the muscles that make up the rounded contours of the shoulders – the Egyptian lateral raise is an exercise that should not be overlooked .This move was popularised by Egyptian strength coach Mohamed El-Sayed, who used it as part of his training regime for Olympic weightlifters. While the Egyptian lateral raise may not be as well-known as other shoulder exercises, it is nevertheless a very effective move for building strength and size in the deltoids.

Here are some of the key benefits of the Egyptian lateral raise:

  1. It targets the middle deltoid head

The middle deltoid head is the portion of the muscle that is most responsible for the rounded shape of the shoulders. While other exercises, such as the overhead press, also work this muscle, the Egyptian lateral raise is particularly effective at targeting it.

  1. It is an isolation exercise

Isolation exercises are those that involve moving only one joint at a time. This is in contrast to compound exercises, which involve moving multiple joints. The Egyptian lateral raise is an isolation exercise, meaning that it allows you to focus specifically on working the deltoid muscles.

  1. It is a great exercise for beginners

The Egyptian lateral raise is a great exercise for beginners because it is relatively easy to perform. Unlike some other shoulder exercises, such as the overhead press, it does not require a great deal of coordination or balance. As such, it is an ideal exercise for those new to weightlifting.

  1. It can be performed with dumbbells or cables

The Egyptian lateral raise can be performed with either dumbbells or cables. If you are using dumbbells, you will need one dumbbell for each hand. If you are using cables, you will need to attach a single handle to each cable.

  1. It is a great exercise for building shoulder strength

The Egyptian lateral raise is a great exercise for building shoulder strength. As your shoulders become stronger, you will be able to lift heavier weights and perform more repetitions. This, in turn, will lead to further gains in muscle size and strength.

If you are looking to add some variety to your shoulder workouts, then the Egyptian lateral raise is a great exercise to try. Not only is it an effective move for targeting the middle deltoid head, but it is also easy to perform and can be done with either dumbbells or cables. Give it a go and see for yourself!

How the Egyptian Lateral Raise Can Help You Improve Your Posture

The Egyptian lateral raise is a great way to improve your posture. This exercise works the muscles in your back and shoulders, which helps to keep your spine in alignment. It also strengthens the muscles around your shoulder blades, which helps to prevent slouching.

This exercise is a great way to improve your posture and prevent slouching. It is also a great way to strengthen the muscles in your back and shoulders. If you have any pain in your back or shoulders, be sure to consult with a doctor before starting this or any other exercise routine.

Overall, the Egyptian lateral raise is a great exercise for shoulder health. It effectively targets the muscles and joints of the shoulder, providing a comprehensive workout. Additionally, the movement is relatively simple and can be performed with minimal equipment. As such, it is an ideal exercise for those looking to improve their shoulder health.

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