Try These Five Foods to Stay Younger

There is almost nothing satisfying than to stay younger and possessing that glowing and smooth skin. People spend tons of money on keeping themselves younger. A magical product that takes years away from your appearance may not be available however changing your eating habits may help to boost your skin quality. There are some foods that may help you to stay younger and feel your best and while you age.

Additionally, the foods that you choose to put on your plate has a lot to do with your reflection in the mirror.

These are 5 food items get can help you stay younger.

​ Extra virgin olive oil

​ Extra virgin olive oil has abundance of monounsaturated fats, phenols and nutrients that play a major role in keeping your skin firm and elastic. Olive oil also contains vitamin E, that helps to prevent signs of premature aging.


Yogurt is a good source of protein and is minimal in calories and contains probiotics that Add good food a gut. Yogurt also contains Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Calcium and vitamin B12. Yogurt not only has a delicious taste but it also helps do keep the signs of premature aging away.


Those red and juicy tomatoes can either be eaten cooked or oh and could also be included in salads or even grilled your dash of olive oil salt and pepper. They are loaded with Lycopene, a pigment that is known to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines by reducing the dead skin cells and providing protection from sun damage.


Carrots not only help you get back your glow back but are also loaded with minerals, antioxidants and beta-carotene Which is known to promote youthful skin since it is an antioxidant. Chomping on some carrots daily leads to firmer and toned skin.

Indian gooseberries (Amla)

Amla as it is widely known is loaded with vitamin C and is cheap. Vitamin C is known to fight free radicals, prevent aging and leaves your skin glowing from within. Amla is the secret super food that leads to better skin and a healthier immune system.

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