5 Amazing Tips for Your New Year’s Fitness Goals

We are well into the new year and now it’s that time of the year again that we should start focusing on your New Year’s fitness goals. A lot of people begin an exercise program however by the Easter Holidays they’ve got no results and they have completely gone off-track. Thus, you should try these five amazing tips for your New Year’s fitness goals that you want to achieve.

Make Yourself Ready

Ensure that you are mentally and physically prepared to begin an exercise program. Do visit a doctor before beginning any fitness routine is this ensures that you have no underlying health issues that may prevent you from starting the program.  After your visit to the doctors, ensure that you are mentally ready to start any fitness program that you might have in mind. How will you keep up to the program? You should be confident that you will stick to the requirements of the program. Encouragement and support do wonders as they boost your readiness. Also try and enjoy any exercise that you do.

Make a plan

Don’t start exercising anyhow. You should make a plan by simply answering these simple questions.  When will you exercise?  It is imperative to identify three days did you get stick to and work out at the same time each week. This will help you keep up your training schedule. What type of exercises will you do and what to focus on? Simply put, this should be in line video fitness goals and should be the type of exercise that you enjoy doing. Pick out an exercise that works for you and don’t be focused on what others are doing. You can start by walking, running, swimming, dancing, tennis and later on move onto weightlifting and so on. Lastly how much time will you spend on your workouts? Start slowly with 10-minute sessions and then build up to reach 30 minutes or more per workout.

Get A Workout Buddy

There might be someone that you know who may also have some fitness goals that they intend to achieve. Get them on board with your fitness journey. This increases your chances of success and leads to more fun during workouts. For this, of course both of you need to have similar goals so that both of you find enjoyable exercises that you can do together. This may be challenging but it’s worth it because a workout buddy provides you with the support and motivation you need to continue grinding away.


Take One Step at A Time

You might have heard that “Drop after Drop is needed to make up the Sea”. Likewise, make your resolution a commitment that will eventually lead to a healthier lifestyle. You will then have a higher chance of being successful. It’s OK to take one step at a time and you will eventually reach to those high intensity workouts and training six days a week but it’s totally fine to start with low intensity workouts and have three sessions per week. Keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race.


 Be Realistic

One of the main problems that surround the New Year’s resolutions is that they tend to be impractical. Setting goals and trying to fulfill them is a superb idea however ensure that both your goals and your timeline are feasible and realistic. This not only adds to your motivation but also drives you to move forward. Think of this as building the foundation of a house. First you should start slow and develop the foundation that your fitness will be based on and later on improve your fitness. Being realistic also helps you to focus on your goals.



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